1100 Superior Ave Garage
About 1100 Superior Ave Garage
1100 Superior Ave Garage offers parking for the Oswald Building, surrounding businesses, and restaurants. You can pay on exit by automated pay station in Oswald building lobby or pay in lane. Reserve your parking spot at 1100 Superior Ave today with ParkChirp and ParkABM!
Facility Address: 1100 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114
The facility is located on Superior Ave between E. 12th St & E. 9th St. There is an entrance also located on Walnut Ave.
- License Plate Required
Hours of Operation
- Monday: 6:00AM - 7:30PM
- Tuesday: 6:00AM - 7:30PM
- Wednesday: 6:00AM - 7:30PM
- Thursday: 6:00AM - 7:30PM
- Friday: 6:00AM - 7:30PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed