2332 NW Irving St – L198

Parking for 2332 NW Irving

With ParkChirp and ParkingNW, you can learn all you need to know about parking for 2332 NW Irving before you head out! Continue below for information on amenities, rates, contact info, and more!

Surface Parking lot located close to shopping and restaurants on NW 23rd Ave. Entrance on NW Irving adjacent to Joya Women's Health. Entrance and exit also located on NW Hoyt. Located close to Papa Haydn, Jo Bar, 23Hoyt, Escape From New York Pizza, Lucky Brand, prAna, Sloan Boutique and more.

Facility Address: 2332 Northwest Irving Street, Portland, OR 97210

Entrance on NW Irving adjacent to Joya Womens Health. There is a large red ‘P’ on an illuminated round white sign on the corner of the brick wall exterior of Joya Womens Clinic indicating the entrance. There is a tall shrubbery and low grey brick wall lining the other side of the entrance driveway with a silver sign stating ‘Pay To Park All Hours’. Entrance/exit also located on NW Hoyt. Parking NW logo is found on signage at pay station within lot.


  • Handicap Accessible
  • License Plate Required
  • Mobile Pass Accepted
  • Self Park
  • Touchless Parking

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 24/7
  • Tuesday: 24/7
  • Wednesday: 24/7
  • Thursday: 24/7
  • Friday: 24/7
  • Saturday: 24/7
  • Sunday: 24/7