530 Lytton Avenue – Garage
Parking for 530 Lytton Avenue
With PCI, you can reserve cheap parking for 530 Lytton Avenue.
The building and underground garage are centrally located 1/2 block north of University Avenue. The entrance to the parking garage is on Tasso Street between University and Lytton Avenues. The garage is gated and fully staffed providing secure parking to both monthly and daily visitors. 24/7 monthly parking is provided via access card.
- Single level underground garage
- Gated facility with onsite security
- 24/7 Access for monthly parkers
- Staffed 6:00am -7:00pm Mon - Fri
- Monthly payments accepted via credit card, ACH & commuter checks
- No long-term vehicle storage
- Vehicles must exit daily
- Daily parking open to the public
- Automated garage, pay-at-exit, credit card ONLY!
$150 Per Month (Non reserved)
NOTICE: It may take up to two full business days (Mon-Fri) to fulfill your application and provide the necessary credentials for access. No proration is provided. A one-time $10 Activation Fee is applied to all new non-tenant parkers. A processing fee up to $2.50 per account may be applied monthly. If you have any questions, please contact the garage office at (650)323-3109 or email fjimenez@parkingconcepts.com
Facility Address: 530 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301
Enter this location at 433 Tasso St. This is the entrance address for the 530 Lytton Ave. garage. It is located on the southwest side of Tasso St. between Lytton Ave. and University Ave. The entrance is marked by a black ‘Welcome to 530 Lytton Avenue’ sign with white lettering.
- Covered Parking
- EV Charging Available
- Handicap Accessible
- Mobile Pass Accepted
- Self Park
Hours of Operation
- Monday: 7:00AM - 7:00PM
- Tuesday: 7:00AM - 7:00PM
- Wednesday: 7:00AM - 7:00PM
- Thursday: 7:00AM - 7:00PM
- Friday: 7:00AM - 7:00PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed